YouTube Original Key Signature: A (Female Singer)
I Want To Sing - Malcolm Du Plessis
Original Key Signature: A (Female Singer)
Time Signature: 4/4 Tempo: Slow bpm
Sequence: V-C-V-C-C
| A7 - - - | D - - - | E - - - | C#m7 - - -
I want to sing, Un-til I am lost in Your love
| F#m7 - - - | Bm7 - - -
Till I am found in Your pre - sence
| E - E7 - | A - - -
Wor-ship - ing be-fore Your throne
| A7 - - - | D - - - | E - - - | C#m7 - - -
Filled with Your S-pi=rit, En-ter - ing in-to Your flow
| F#m7 - - - | Bm7 - - -
How pre-cious these mo - ments
| E - E7 - | A - - -
Lord I want You to know
| A7 - - - | D - - - | E - - - | C#m7 - - -
It's You, You Who have won my heart
| F#m7 - - - | Bm7 - - - | E - - - | A - - -
Ta - ken me in-to Your arms, Com-fort - ed me like a friend
| A7 - - - | D - - - | E - - - | C#m7 - -
Your love sur-round-ed me from the start
- | F#m7 - - - | Bm7 - - - | E - - - | A - - -
I ne-ver want to be a-part, From You e-ver a-gain
[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]
I Want To Sing - Malcolm Du Plessis
Original Key Signature: C (Male Singer)
Time Signature: 4/4 Tempo: Slow bpm
Sequence: V-C-V-C-C
C7 F G Em7
I want to sing, Until I am lost in Your love
Am7 Dm7
Till I am found in Your presence
G G7 C
Worshiping before Your throne
C7 F G Em7
Filled with Your Spirit, Entering into Your flow
Am7 Dm7
How precious these moments
Lord I want You to know
C7 F G Em7
It's You, You Who have won my heart
Am7 Dm7 G C
Taken me into Your arms, Comforted me like a friend
C7 F G Em7
Your love surrounded me from the start
Am7 Dm7 G C
I never want to be apart, From You ever again
[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]
I Want To Sing - Malcolm Du Plessis
Original Key Signature: C (Male Singer)
Time Signature: 4/4 Tempo: Slow bpm
Sequence: V-C-V-C-C
I want to sing, Until I am lost in Your love
Till I am found in Your presence
Worshiping before Your throne
Filled with Your Spirit, Entering into Your flow
How precious these moments
Lord I want You to know
It's You, You Who have won my heart
Taken me into Your arms, Comforted me like a friend
Your love surrounded me from the start
I never want to be apart, From You ever again
[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]
YouTube Original Key Signature: C (Male Signer)
YouTube Plays and Sings in Key: C