Friday, 16 June 2023

Understanding life after death. The truth about haven. The End Times Timeline

10 Prophecies That Are About To Be Fulfilled

What is the end times timeline?

What is the difference between heaven and paradise?

The truth about heaven

What is death for men? Rest from earthly labor, be with Jesus in paradise
- Rest from labor on earth Rev 14:13. FINISHED our work on earth
Sabbeth rest is only 1 day in a week. God rested from work after finished His creation. Jesus rest from His work of salation after His death and resurrection. We rest from labor on earth when death and finushed our work on earth
Rev 22:3 Our work is to serve God (on earth now or in heaven?)
Phi 1:22  If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. 

- the body dies, the soul and the soirit leaves the body and taken by the angels to paradize (Abraham bossom), a holding olace for the dead befire day of rapture

- Go to place of the dead (Sheol hebrew or Hades) with 2 compartments. Believers go to paradize (a peaceful and restful place wherebthe soul and spirit rest), non-believers go to a place of torment
Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
During judgement day, Christ will sift out the righteous from the weaked, the righteous will go to heaven, the weaked will go to hell

- 1 Thess 4:16-18 Rapture, dead will come out from paradize and receive a new glorified body that is both bodily physical form that can feel and can be felt and touched as well as spirit form that can be teleported and walk through walls and no aging and no sickness

Day of Rapture (nit 2nd coming). 2nd coming is after 7 years from day of rapture (pre tribulation)
1 Thess 4:16-17 Rapture, glorified body, Meet Him in the air, be with the Lord forever

- Be with the Lord
You will be with Me in Paradize. Luke 23:43
2 Cor 5:6-9 away from the body and at home with the Lord
Phi 1:22 

Duringbthe millenium 1000 years reign of Christ on earth, no din, no war, complete peace. The saintsvwith reign with Christ

New heaven and new earth
- John 14:2-3. In My Father's house, there are many rooms or mansion or dwellings. And I will bring you there

Why God release Satan to deceive nations after the 1000 years?

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