Friday, 16 June 2023

Spirits, Angels, Can Christians be possess?

Can Christian be possessed by evil spirits?

Cannot, because Christians have be possessed by the HS, but can be influenced by the evil spirits as they are always around us even they can't possess us

If someone want to enter the house, they need to first bind the strong man

The Holy Spirit in us and Jesus are the strong man, the evil one can't enter us because unless they can manage to bine the HS and Jesus in us

Sickness and emotion are spirits, even the words we choose to say are influence of the spirits around us. Influence either by the HS or spirit of this world

When Jesus asked the disciples who do they think Jesus is? Peter answer You are the Christ, Son of God. Jesus said what you said come from the Spirit

Later, when Jesus talk about His suffering and death, Peter pulled Jesus aside and said No Lord. Jesus commanded the earthly spirit, satan, get thee behind me. Obviously Peter was not possess, but his state of emotion was influenced by the evil spirit. Realized that Jesus never command satan to get out of Peter, because satan can't possess Peter, but Jesus new the spirit was besides Peter and influencing him.

Those non believers mattelling with satan and spirits can be possessed by them

Angels comes in different forms and roles

Seraphim, 6 wings, many eyes, cry Holy Holy Holy to the Lord on daily basis
Cherubim. 2 winds, 4 faces, man, lion, eagle, ox, guard the tree of life and guard the mercy seat of the ark of covenant
Arch Angel Michael  (waring angel), with 2 wing, lead the army of angels to fight the evil ones
Angel Gabriel, messenger that looks like human
Guardian Angels that looks like human to guard us in our daily life
Angels are thousands upon thousands, 10 thousands upon 10 thousands, heavenly hosts
Angels will not die, that's why the fallen angel, satan can never die. Their death is eternal punishment in hell, being burned by fire eternally.

Final enemy is death (eternal punishment in hell), when Jesus conqured death, means eternal blessings in heaven

Who are the sons of God?

Decenndants of Seth of fallen angels?
Angels are spirits just as God is Spirit
Angels are nit given to marriage

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