Thursday 20 May 2021

Singing, Vocal Training, Vocal warm up

1.5 Octave Arpeggio | Vocal Warm Up in Female Key

More complete teaching how to sing better
chest voice, head voice, mixed voice, vibrato

How to sing vibrato

(1) Tall Posture (2) Diaphragmatic Breathing (3) Sing on pitch [123454321] 
(4) Projection [speak singing] (5) Chest voice [sing Gug 123454321] 
(6) Head voice [sing Ooh 1.5 Octave or sing Wee] 
(7) Mixed voice, blending between head and chest voice [sing Gee 1.5 Octave]
(8) Belting [Octave Repeat, sing Nae 1358888531]
(9) Vocal effect, Vibrato [sing ee, 12345.....4321]
(10) Singing songs. To sing high and loud

Concept of Phrasing
Concept of Phrasing in Singing
- Which word to drag, drag for how long and which are the words to be joined
- Add dynamics to the phrase (where to be loud and put emphasize and where to be soft)
- Where to breat

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