Tuesday 18 May 2021

The end time Timeline

Sign of End Time (Part 1) - Daniel 9:26-
1. Re-gathering of Jewish people
- Anti-Christ will broker a treaty of peace for 3 and half year and then turn against Israel in next 3 and half year
2. Apostasy/Spiritual and moral gullibility. 1 Tim 4:1
3. Reemergence of World Empire. Dan 7:24 unification of several countries, EU
4. Globalism. Rev 13:16-17, Mark of the beast

The Rapture (Part 2)

The 7 years of Judgments (Part 3)

2nd Coming of Christ (Part 4)

2 Judgments (Part 5). 
Judgment Seat of hrist: 2 Cor 5:10, 1 Cor 4:3-5. Judge for the purpose of reward, not punishment
Great White Throne Judgment: Rev 20:11-15, Judging the unbelievers after the millennium. 2 Thess 1:8-9, Gal 3

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