Monday 12 June 2023

Who is/are the Son of God vs sons of God

Who are the sons of God?
Jesus also called the Son of God

Gen 6:1-4 sons of God are angels
John 3:16 Begotten Son (du sheng zi) (du qing sheng er zi)
John 3:18 Jesus was called the Son of God
Jesus called Himself Son of God
Believers or Christians also called the sons of God

1. Only difference is angels are MADE or created beings, Jesus was BEGOTTEN (born of God or born of the Holy Spirit, not created or made)

2. God definition of ONLY is the Chosen one
Abraham has 2 sons, Ishmael and Isaac, but God told Abraham to bring your son, your only son, Isaac to sacrifice him to God

3. Jesus was with God and He was God John 1:1-5 The WORD (JESUS) was God

4. When Jesus was baptized, God said, this is my beloved Son

5. 1 John 3:1 (believers or Christians are called sons of God)
Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the sons of God

6. Israel also called the firstborn son Exo 4:22

7. God refers to or regards Solomon as son of God. I will be his Father and he will be My son 2 Sam 7:14

sons of God: angels and believers (made or created beings)
Son of God: Jesus (Begotten, born of God, not made)
Any being or nation chosen by God is called son of God

Jesus was also called the Son of Man

Daniel 7:13-14 Daniel's vision of Son of Man

Jesus called Himself Son of man Mark 8:31, Matt 25:31, Matt 26:24

Did Jesus call Himself Son of God, never
He called God His Father, but He didn't say He is the Son of God, John 5:18
When Jesus called God the Father, He made Himself equal to God
So Son of God is equal to God

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