Saturday 16 October 2021

Guitar set up and solving variuos guitar problem like buzzing or intonation

Is there a need to set uo a brand new guitar
What are the things that a Luthier will do or what will he cover in a set up
- General maintenance 
   - Clean up
   - Change strings
- Action of a guitar
   - Adjust the neck by adjusting the trust rod
   - Adjust height of the nut and the groove by filing
   - Adjust height of the Saddle by filing
- Check and ensure no buzzing sound
   - Check every fret on finger board of the neck for any buzzing sound
   - Reason is unequal adjecent fret height that touching adjecent frets when pressed
   - Changing the old, dead sound and rusty strings
   - Check that all the frets are of equal height, filing down if needed
   - Check fret grooving due to wear and tear. Filing away the grooving or change to new frets
- Check and ensure intonation
   - Check every fret on finger board of the neck for any intonation problem
   - usually saddle problem. Adjust height of the Saddle by filing or the distance of the saddle by changing a new bridge
   - Adjust the neck by adjusting the trust rod
   - Adjust height of the nut and the groove by filing
   - Reason is unequal adjecent fret height that touching adjecent frets when pressed
   - Changing the old, dead sound and rusty strings
   - Check that all the frets are of equal height, filing down if needed
   - Check fret grooving due to wear and tear. Filing away the grooving or change to new frets 
Exhautve list of possible Intonation problem

What causes the fret easy wear and tear that created grooves?
   - Pressing too hard

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