Saturday 17 October 2020

Commercial & Industrial Properties

YouTube - Google URA Master Plan

Industrial and Business Park allowable uses

Example of uses that may be considered as Activity Generating Uses (AGUs) are:

SOHO and Service apartment not even in the following list

  • Shop
  • Showroom/ galleries 
  • Restaurant
  • Pet shop/pet grooming
  • Banks, adjoining or independent ATM clusters
  • Commercial school
  • Childcare centre/kindergarten
  • Gym/fitness centre
  • Visitor Centre/ museum
  • Hotel/ Backpackers’ hostel
  • Self-service laundry

The following uses are not AGUs:

  • Office
  • Bar
  • Nightclub
  • Massage establishment
  • LAN gaming centre

Considerations for Property Use (Change of use of properties)

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