Sunday 21 June 2020

HDB Registration Intent to Sell

HDB Register Intent to sell

(A) HDB Resale Portal - Select I'm a Buyer or Seller - Login with SingPass
(After you have submitted the Intent to Sell and wish to Retrieve and View, you can click on the  HDB Resale Portal - Select I'm Buyer or Seller - Login with SingPass - Sell - View) 

(B) Start Selling - Register

Selling Process


Register Intent to Sell

Register your Intent to Sell and obtain information to facilitate the sale of your flat.
Please get ready the particulars of all the sellers of your flat, before you begin. This step will take about 10 minutes to complete.

(C) Accept Terms and Condition - Next

Sellers' Particulars (Part 1 of 3)

Part 1:


Part 2:

Next Housing

Part 3:

(D) Flat Address
Seller 1 Particular and Contact - Save As Draft or Next

Flat Address

Seller Particulars

  • Seller 1
    Your personal information has been automatically retrieved from MyInfo.
    Click "Clear Form" if you would like to edit them.
    Clear Form
(E) Next Housing - Next Housing after selling my flat - Select eg. Buying a resale flat - You can leave it empty - Save to draft or Next

Next Housing (Part 2 of 3)

Part 1:


Part 2:

Next Housing

Part 3:


Next Housing After Selling My Flat

You should plan for your next housing before selling your flat.
You may be barred from entry to the Public Rental Scheme because of past property ownership, if you are assessed to be able to afford a flat or have other housing options. We will take into account the proceeds from the sale of your last property in assessing your housing budget.

Address of Next Housing


(F) Check through and make sure everything is correct - Save As Draft or Submit Intent

Review (Part 3 of 3)

Part 1:


Part 2:

Next Housing

Part 3:


Flat Address

Sellers' Particulars

Your Next Housing

Next housing


Moving into a resale flat after selling our resale flat.
The address is not available.

Based on the information you have provided, HDB's preliminary assessment is given below.
Do note that if your circumstances change, we may reject the application or revoke any approval for the sale of your flat.

Eligibility Results

Eligibility to sell

You are eligible to sell your flat: (Address in there)
5-Room, Model Model A, 136.0 square metre, 63 years 2 month(s) remaining in the lease as at22 Jun 2020.

Household ethnic classification: Chinese

Option to Purchase (OTP)

Your OTP is a legal contract that buyers and sellers enter into.
You will only be able to grant the OTP to the buyer(s) on or after 29 Jun 2020.

Important Information About Your Flat


Before you grant an Option to Purchase (OTP) to a flat buyer, please take note of the following:

Estimated Sale Proceeds

Before selling your flat, you should calculate the estimated sales proceeds to evaluate your finances.



inclusive of deposit collected from your buyer



You may login to your CPF account to get the CPF refund, or put an estimate.
If your sales proceeds is insufficient to make the full CPF refund required, any deposit (e.g. option fee and option exercise fee) received from your buyer in cash upon the sale of your property is considered part of the selling price and needs to be refunded to your co-owner's and your CPF accounts before the transaction can be completed. You do not need to top up the shortfall in cash, provided the property is sold at market value as determined by CPF Board.

Recent Transacted Prices

Here are some recent transactions of similar flats in your area for the past 1 year.

Your Household

Household Details

You have 1 seller(s).
Disclaimer:HDB has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that any data or information provided is correct at the time of posting. However, HDB does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the data or information and shall not be liable or responsible for any errors, omissions or discrepancies in the data or information provided not for any consequences, damages or losses of any kind sustained or incurred by you or any third party arising from the use of or reliance on any data or information provided by this e-Service. Your eligibility to sell a resale flat will be determined when you have submitted the resale application subsequently.

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