Saturday, 6 June 2020

Weekly Sermon notes taken by myself

Someone here is having a condition, a skin condition, place your hand in that area
I pronounce you healed from the crown of your head to the soll of your feet. The Lord restore you
Jesus is my Lord.

During the plague in Egypt, God put His people in Goshen and be safe
Goshen: Drawing near
The ham of the garment can bring healing to the woman with issue of blood, how much more when we partake the body of Jesus.

Abraham saw the sacrifice when melchisedek brought bread and wine to Abraham and he immediately responded with a tithe as a form of worship

To complete your experience. Someone whom we are very familiar with. End it all. Really needs a touch of God. Check out and find out. It's like taking an expedition with the Lord, even by the design of the book cover. Avail yourself with these resources. From Joseph Prince, come this book, give me this mountain.

2021 - Vision Sunday
The year of Hazon (Prophetic) Vision
(Prov 29:18 KJB) Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he
ESV: Prophetic vision
NIV: but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction. (wisdon: Divine Instruction)
Vision: Chazown (Hebrew) H2377 vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication)
A mental sight, dream, revelation
Chazown comes from the Hebrew: חָזוֹן or ḥāzôn (Romanized according to SBL)
(Eph 1:17-18. NIV) I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

Ps Lawrence 23/5/21
Ps 91:3 Surely
Isa 53:4 Surely
John 14:1-3 Surely He come back quickly

Ps Prince 17/01/2021
With the vision, comes the provision
Act 11:28
Acts 2:17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Habbak: 2:2-3
How do you see God's Hazon vision? (vision, dream, or prophesy)
James 1:6-8 
Use a note book to write down
Acts 9:7 not every one will see the vision that you see
1 Cor 14:3 when prophesize, speaks edification, exhortation, comfort
No longer prophesize judgment, this is under law
Daniel 7:1 How Daniel sees vision?
In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying in bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream.
Num 12:6
Hosea 12:10 He multiplied vision
Samuel, no vision or limited vision
Psa 128:3-4
Vision for God is a faith picture
When you have a picture while you are awake, that is vision
When you have a picture while you are asleep, that is a vision in dream
Psa 65:22
Psa 92
Psa 92:10
Psa 91:6
He died young so that we can live long
He made Himself poor so that we can me made rich

How to get Hazon vision
- Reading the word of God

God given vision that comes true immediately
Mission trip in India, Angels joint force spreading their wings to provide shades or shelter from the heavy rain

Is it your own vision or God given vision?
Is it my own imagination?
What I learnt from the secular for seeing vision
What you see is what you get
See yourself own a car, bungalow
See yourself preaching to a colosium of people you are preaching to
John 17:22
Glory means heavy weight
Luke 24:26 road to Emas
Luke 24:31
covenant meal is the tree of life, his broken body and shed blood, you will know him more and see his supply
eat the knowledge of good and evil, they become naked

7/1/2021 dream
Dreamt, many real estate cases come to me

15/1/2021 dream
Dreamt of entered into a relationship

Ps Prince 03/01/2021
1 Peter 3:10
Job 36:1
Psa 23:6 radaph - hunt
1 Sam 3:1-4
Without vision (hazon), people perish
Prov 19:18 without prophetic vision
the devil robs your vision before he robs you
Gen 15:1-2
Psa 1:3
Luke 6:45
Lot means vile
See first and you will have it.
Acts 10:1-20 Cornelius of Ceasarea
Acts 2::17
9th hour is 3pm
6th hour is 12pm at mid day, Peter went to the roof to pray
Acts 22:6
Eph 1:17
I see it, oh I see (wisdom and revelation)
A cleam billl of health
Even I don't call your healing, you still be healed
I see someone who has this sickness, receive your healing right now
the eyes of my heart being flooded with light and revelation
Open the eyes of my heart Lord to see
New vision, not resolution

Ps Prince 27/12/2020
1st heaven: Our atmospheric heavevn
2nd heaven: The universe and galaxy
3rd heaven: where God dwells, the highest place
You are bless with all, every (every types, every kinds) spiritual blessings
Position wise, we are in Christ
Experience wise, we are in the Spirit

Ps Prince 13/12/2020
Faith is having a good opinion of God
Whatever experience )challenging season in your life) you have, for without faith (a good opinion of God), it is impossible to please God
Mary said nothing is impossible with God
Christ is our passover lamb
Every we touch God's word, we touch lives
The benefits of God's word, our spirit man is born of incorruptable seed
Our soul need savings on a moment by moment, daily
Our body needs healing
Our body is controlled by our soul and react according to it
Faith is the substance we hope for, perceive as real fact, having a good opinion of God
Repentance towards God is change your mind towards God
Why the barren become fruitful? Because she has good opinion of Him to be faithful
Now faith is confidence (reality, assurance, substance) in what we hope for and assurance (evidence, conviction, certainty, proof) about what we do not see.
God causes all things to work together for good, to those who loves Him, who is called according to His name
The situation is bad, the report is bad, but God knows that all these things work together for good
work together (synergy)
Glory: always a good opinion concerning one that we praise, splendor, magnificent, think of God at the highest opinion
Why worship? Worship is a time to have a change of mind, giving our good opinion about Him to Him. Change from focusing not on our situation or report, but focusing on what He can do in our situation.
Worship is giving thanks. In everything give thanks.
satan made God is holding back on you. Every tree of the garden freely eat.
You have been held back, restricted, cannot enjoy the pleasres of all that He has created for you
The situation make us doubt God
Worship make us rise in our faith in God, focus not on the negative, but positive
The giant will eat us. How can God bring us into a land that allowed us to be eaten by the giants?
Joshua and Calab, this is exceedingly good land
Since the Lord delight in us, not If the Lord delight in us (Joshua and Calab) has good opinon of God that He delights in them
See the bread (Jesus) in the difficulty, don't see the difficulty.
The giants is the mana that God allow us to eat
Heb 11:6 for without faith (a good opinion of God), it is impossible to please God
Worship is Repentance  
Worship will change your spirit. you will walk out with the different spirit, a spirit of calab
Worship is expressing your good opinion about Him to Him
Worship is speaking believe rather than unbelieve
Luke 1:36-38
God made us highly favored among (stand out, outstanding) man
Don't be afraid, you have found favor in God
How can this be (of certain)?, asking the method, not doubting
Let it be to me according to your word
Amen: So be it, Be it unto me, according to the word prayed, spoken
All the promises of God is yes and amen
Amen: God get the glory, we get the fulfillment
Amen is a response of faith
David has a good opinion in God, you come against me in sword and spear, I come against you in the power of the almighty God
We believe therefore we speak

Ps Prince 6/12/2020
If you focused on the law, Jesus will have no effect on you
Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of your fresh
Gal 5:4
If you are led by the Spirit, you are not longer under the law
If you are being pushed into a decision, and no time to think about it or pray about it, you know it is not from God.
As pastors, we lead the flock, not drive or push the flock
Rest is not inactivity, Rest is Spirit directed activity
Don't pray to sooth a person, pray for miracle to happen
Operate on Spirit prompting
Every believer has an aunction
Put feather on my cap
Heb 8:11
I will be to you a God (I will perform miracle in you)
2 Cor 5:11

Ps Lawrence 29/11/2020
1 Peter 1
Living a righteous, godly and holy life with the gospel of grace
Don't overcome by trying, but overcome by trusting
Be holy just as I am holy
How can we be holy?
1 Peter 1:13-14 Rest your hope fully upon the grace of God, as obedient children (not sinners)
Titus 2:11-14
John 1:17
Godliness and holiness is tight to the gospel of grace. Without grace, 
Grace is the only way, only path to true holiness
Matt 22:35-40 (lawyer)
Love God and love your neighbour (all the law and all the prophets summed up under this law)

Ps Prince 22/11/2020
Gal 5
Cast out the bone woman and her son
I have to keep the law in order for Christ to have effect in my life, this is false
Christ will have effect on you when you embrace grace
It is those who are sick that needs a physician
Come and touch Jesus regardless of your sins
When you are in the stage of sin, all the more you need to come to touch Jesus
Jesus took the lack and multiply them, Christ is of effect to the 5000
No effect: Christ is still there, but no effect on you, no more power to bless you if you embrace law
Fall from grace: when He has no effect on you. (not when you run away with your secretary)
Rob your friends the pleasure and joy when you reject his gift
The vine doesn't struggle to grow, with the right soil and right environment, it will automatically produce good fruit.
Just relax, when you are in Christ, the right environment, you will grow and be productive
You don't pray to get something from God
* You give thanks for your righteousness and God already given you what you need
Moffatt, Goodspeed, Philips translation on Gal 5:4
1 Tim 1:9
You keep the law, you activate your fresh, you presume you can do everything
Works of the fresh, (effort), fruit of the spirit
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the type of the law
When you eat of it, you are fallen from grace
Don't try to become what you already are (your are the righteousness of God in Christ)
Christ died for you when you are yet a sinner
How you fall from grace, when you trust other things is more than you trust God
To God be the glory for the peace, protection and prosperity that God has given to me. Amen
Put your trust in the Lord so that you give glory to God,, not on the things you trust
Gal 1:9-10

Ps Prince 15/11/2020
Isaac and Ismael
Joseph and his father Jacob
God hide all this types and shadow
If our foundation is right and built on His word, we will be saved
The path of the righteous shines brighter and brighter
Gal 1:6
The old is the new concealed
The new is the old revealed
It is more important for them to see me in scripture than see me in person
Gal 41:21-30, the types of the shadow
Isaac born of spirit
Ismael: born of human effort, the one from Mt Saini is born with bondage
heirship, can you receive under law, you can only receive by grace
The son of the bond woman should be son of the free woman
Cast out the bond woman and her son
Infant, God give them milk.
Wean, have teeth, start on solid food
Spirit of slave vs sonship, only sonship can be a heir. 
Jer 3:19
The Son of God loves me and gave Himself up for me
Joseph loved by the father and rejected by his brothers
Israel (the brothers) rejected the heavenly Joseph
was sold for 20 pieces of silver
The bible is the photo album of His Son
Joseph become the bread of life to Israel
The world caused confusion and chaos 
God will always accomplish His purposes, no one can stop God
Lea: Lamb, picture of the law, bond woman, 10 sons, number of the law
Joseph, Benjamin same mother, Rachel
Jacob, Israel, Grace
Joseph is Jesus
Benjamin is most loved by Joseph
Go to Joseph, whatever he says to you, do it
Mary said, whatever Jesus says to you, do it, water become wine
When was Benjamin revealed? During the famine
We have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but we will not, abide, remain, stay, dwell in it, we will come out of it.
Whatever difficult situation you are in, you are just walking through it, don't dwell in it, don't stop, keep walking until you quickly get out of it.
Joseph revealed himself to Benjamin
Semeon means hearing
Jacob thinking that everything, God is not working for him, thinking that everything and the world is against him, but when everything is working for his good.
During the time of famine, the rasing the Benjamin generation
God will always over answering,, exceed answering your prayer
Ben-oni, son of my sorrow, was borned and Rachel died
Benjamin, son of my right hand, the place of privilege, power and favor, seat on my right hand
Joseph laid eyes on Benjamin, Joseph wept
Serve the bread, the Benjamin generation is here
Benjamin generation has 5 times more blessing that other brothers, grace
We are in Benjamin generation
Under grace, we have 5 times more than those under the law
300 of silvers and 5 changes of garment
Joseph gave Benjamin special favor that other brothers didn't get to enjoy
Plenty to eat and plenty to wear because of His grace
bread also typical healing, when other served healing still, we are served 5 times more
Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefit
Ps 103:2-5 (5 benefits)
Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits
He (1) forgives all my sins and (2) heals all my diseases
He (3) redeems me from death and (4) crowns me with love and tender mercies
who (5) satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

300 is a picture of chosen for victory (300 soldiers won victory)
silver is redemption
Joseph hid his silver cup in Benjamin sag
Jesus drank the cup of judgement, iniquties, 
God has no more God's wrath, judgement in our sag, the bitter silver cup drank by Jesus is in us
We are the Benjamin generation
Mark 3:14-15
His foremost desires is that they might be with Him
power to cast out demons and healing
Follow me and I will make you fisher of man
Don't run before Jesus in our ministry
Follow Him in our ministry so that He can make us who we are to be a effective minister in our ministry
Hana means Grace

Ps Prince 8/11/2020
The pandemic is incidental for the glory of God. Everybody is compelled to go online so that the gospel of Grace will be accelerated in reaching out to more people and every part of the world.
Stumble into His will and blessings
When the bible use we, it talked to the Jews
When the bible use you, it talked to the Gentiles
When you are infant, you need to be under guidance of the law
When the fullness of time came, now is sonship, full grown adult son, we are led by the spirit and understanding, no longer under law.
You will do more than not steal
You will do more than adultary 
James 2:10, whoever keep the whole law but stumble on one, he is guilty of all, it is a composite whole
God put the jews under the law for 1500 years.
No one can love God with all your heart, souls and mind, except Jesus.
Gal 4:6-7 cry Abba Father
We are adopted by being born again in the Spirit
The old is the new concealed
The new is the old revealed
Jesus didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law
What is the definition of love in God's eyes or perspective?
Now that I know you love me when you did not withhold your son, your only son but gave himself up to me.
If God did not withhold His only Son but give Him up for us when we were yet sinner, how can He withhold any blessings when we make mistakes
Gal 3:21
For those under the law is under the curse
Born of the fresh is born of human effort (Abraham 85, 86)
Ishmeal was born after human effort
Abraham now 99, I'm El-shadei, almighty God, Abraham and Sarah body was dead (could not have a child), Sarah, by faith, received strength
Sarah was beautiful at the age of 89 when the kings wanted her
daughter of sarah because sarah was the only woman with her youth renewed
Paul is rabbi or rabbi. 
Hagar is mount Sanai (law that enslaved them)
Fallen from grace is slipped back into the law
Believe God and prepare for miracle. Enlarge your tent, strengthen your cords.....
Prophetic act of prosperity
anyone who drink milk (babe, follow the law), is Inexperience in the message of righteousness
Wean, start on solid food
Those who under the law cannot inherit (get rid, cast out), that's why cannot inherit healing, prosperity
Gimel, camel, to deal bountifully, to reward
swept of our feet

Ps Prince 1/11/2020
Gal 3:22-26
John 1:12 (Children of God)
The righteousness of those will live
We were being held captive under the law
The law is our gaurdience until faith came
Guide you in how you live
Heir of the world (Cosmo, cosmetic, beautiful orderly arrangement of your face)
God cast a test that Abraham can be heir of the world (covenant partner, God no longer can withhold His Son)
Rom 4:13, we are Abraham seek and heir of the world, healing, prosperity, right standing is the part of it, this is the lineup to the kingdom of God
Now righteousness guide us how to live right
Righteousness is by faith into right living
Living right is 
Antinomiam means anti law
The spoon is like the law that stirs up the sinful desires
Death in Christ is death in the law
The law nailled with the law that is in Christ and that He has fulfilled
Law is religious spirit rather that let the faith of the Spirit rule in us
Live unto Jesus, not live unto the law
Teach the children not base on law, but based on Christ identity
As Jesus' boy, Jesus will not do this, we are immidator of Christ
Those who believe in Christ is Abraham seed
There is a scandle of Grace from Martin Luther, till early time of church history
Yesuha, salvation come to this house
Luke 18 rich young ruler (the law shows up in bankruptcy)
Luke 19 Tax collector, Zachias 
napiohs: children, elementary
We shall reign on the earth
You don't do something to gain it
You already have it and you live out of it
The rod is to fight the lions and wolf
The staff is to save the sheep
negate means against
He prepares a table (holy com) against (negate) the enemy (sickness, depression, addiction)
You come before God from a spirit of slavery or sonship?
Only Jesus came to reveal God as Abba Father
Spirit cannot bear witness with lie, only with truth. If you live in a spirit of slavery, Spirit cannot bear witness.
Serve the Lord from a spirit or sonship, a spirit of a heir, like a son serving his father in his father business from a spirit of heir, not as an employee (slave)

Ps Lawrence
2 Chro 20:1-
King Jahosophat (King of Judah)
Faced a multitude of army cannot be numbered, insurmountable obstacles
He was fearful, when you are afraid, know what to do
He set himself up to seek the Lord and proclaim a fast

Ps Prince 11/10/2020
Restore hair call
Your faith shall heal you
The law make you self conscious, "I"
The gospel of Jesus was kept secret until Jesus came
Jesus reveal Himself to Paul (was a religious terrorist)
How was God dealt with Paul, with His light, was so bright that Paul was completely blinded from his past and start to see the gospel when his eyes was restored.
John the baptist is a message of repentance, pre-cursor to Jesus message of grace
Acts 13 Antioch in Pesidia
37-38 the gospel of forgiveness
It's not in all His source, but in all His glory
You have been declared righteous, it is up to you to believe you are righteous
Repent: you got to change
Paul's message is very dangerous
Not law conscious but be righteous conscious
Whenever there is worldwide, like pandemic
God is doing for Israel, for the preaching of  the gospel of Jesus Christ.
WW1 is to position of the land of Israel (1917)
1967 six days war
WW2 is to prepare the people of God return to the land of Israel
NT Cursed (doubly cursed, Gal 1:6-9, there is still mercy in the judgement): all they do all falls to the ground, no power, no supply, new testimen judgement
We are in the acceptable years, age of grace, not vengence of God
The whole councel of God
You need to hear so that you can be built up, then in order for you to receive
In righteousness, you shall be established
When you declare rightousness of God in you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper

Ps Prince 04/10/2020
Budget God in, don't budget Him out
Steal from the Lord. Whatever stolen from God, there a many ways money will lost
God loves a cheerful giver
Test Me and see if I will not open the heaven
Tithing is a worship
Tithing is consecreting the 10% to God. Set them apart means you budget in and cannot touch it or use it for something else
When you consecreate the 10%, God will consecrate the 90% that nothing can touch it, it has been set aside to be a blessing to you, nothing can steal this 90%
Come from the attitude that you get to give, not that you must give. You need to be blessed in order to get to give. Abraham was blessed by the spoiled so that he got to give

I Cast All My Cares

2 Cor 5:17-21
New creation, a new spciese never ever existed
Not our body, but our spirit
Old things passed away, all things became new
Doubting Thomas
The ministry of reconciliation
What is Gospel, Gospel of grace Gal 1, Gospel of peace
Repentance towards God and Faith towards Jesus
Repent, changing of mind perception towards God
Lawlessness will increase
God was in Christ reconciliating the world to Himself
Jesus saw them as sheep without shepherd, not as rebellious people
The Law exposes you and your weakness
The Law is to help you to see the standard of God, not for you to fulfill
If you can fulfill, that means you can save yourself, you don't need Jesus
Surpass the Pharisees, God compare with lower standard, you already can't make it, don't talk about comparing with God's standard of fulfilling the law
Has the Law obsolute?
Yes, to those believe in Jesus
No, to those who have not received Jesus
Reconcile to God
God is not counting your sin. Just reconcile to God through having faith in Jesus
Law: Law guide you, you forgive in order God to forgive you
Grace: Spirit guide you into all truth. you forgive because you have been forgiven (love, give)
knew no sin
did no sin john
in him no sin
salvation is more than soteria, sozo, complete salvation (body, spirit and soul), not just out of heal
God not interested bringing you to heaven, but bring heaven into you
Your body is temple of the spirit

1 whole, union, oneness
3 trinity
4 earth
5 grace
6 man
7 perfection
8 new begining

18, 6+6+6 satanic

Ps Prince 27/9/2020
Roman 7:6-12
2 Cor 3 Ministry of death and condemnation
Rom 3:19-24 
Law was given so that every mouth  stop
Law is behavior modification, Spirit is heart transformation
Guided by the law or guided by the Spirit
The law is not for us to fulfill, but for Jesus to fulfilled
Law is a transition in relationship with God
Grace is permanent
Once the new version is in, the old version is obsolete
If Christ is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all
If all our sins have been forgiven, do we still need to confess our sin?
Do you want to be sin or guilt conscious or righteous conscious?
If you confess your sin, you are sin conscious,
If you confess Jesus righteousness in you, confess the gift of righteousness, you are righteous conscious
When you are righteous conscious, you are naturally Spirit conscious and guided by the Spirit
A begging spirit or sonship spirit?
The father treated the eldest son based on his righteousness
All the while I perform all these for you, you have not given me the.....
All I have belongs to you, why do you need me to give you? Why didn't you ask me for it?
Because he felt that he needs to perform before he can ask for it
The eldest son refers to His own people, Jews
The youngest son, anyone who fallen away
Take ownership of all the things belonging to the father, now, not wait until he dies
Rasha (condemn, snake, sinner)
Abomination is the worse sin
Those he justify himself, he who condemn the righteous, is an abomination
According: to His riches in glory, prosperity, righteousness, all that belongs to me are yours
The eldest brother complaint become an assurance that he wasn't notice because of self righteousness
Peace is mine, healing is mine, prosperity is mine, the Lord is mine, health is mine, my sanctification, my redemption
Take ownership of all the promises of God
I am the righteousness of God in Christ
Deut 25:1-3
sadaq: justify
saddiya: righteousness
makkah: stripes, plague
Gal 3 redeem from curse
No man will buy you except Christ
You are bought out by himself becoming a curse for us
Curse is one who is nailed on a tree
Curse is one who is under the law
Jesus put Himself under the law and fulfilled the law for all of us once and for all
You need to fulfilled all the law in order not to suffer from God's wrath
In Christ, you have already fulfilled all the law, 10 commandment and all ceremonial law including circumcision 

Ps Prince 20/9/2020 (Hillsong Church 2019)

Rhema and now word
Both riches and honor comes from Thee (David)
The gospel of grace and peace, health and wealth (providence)
Even your soul prosper
You can tell how many seeds in an apple, you can tell how many apples in a seed
Give and it shall be given unto you
2 Cor 8:9 Jesus was rich become poor at the cross so that we can be rich
Heb 5:10-12
High priest goes so goes the nation
Melchizedek priesthood nothing but blessing after blessing
Not in order of the levitical priesthood
The blessings locates you.
Either your keep on drinking milk or go into solid food
The only time for Melchizedek to appear is when Abraham won and collected the spoils
He pursued 4 kings and won
He was 
King of salam (wholeness, wellness, soundness, peace), King of righteousness
Pre-incarnate appearance of Christ, He brought bread and wine
Jesus want to be bread and wine in our lives, do this in remembrance of me
Abraham was tire
Take the Lord supper together with your medicine
Not descerning the Lord's body
Eat your way to health and wealth
Blood on door post and inside eating the roasted lamb
If the shadow can do this for them, what about the substance?
A time of heal, love and receiving
Proclaiming the Lord's death till He come
Blessed be Abraham (the 1st word from Melchizedek)
There is no curse in Mel priesthood. Even in our failing
The law was not given until 400 years later
Tithe means a tenth. "Maaser". The rich is in the tithe (Aser)
No body compel Abraham to give. It was a sponteneous response to the grace of God
He was tired and hungry, but being refreshed but bread and wine.
We tithe not to be rich, but as response to grace of God, but the fruit of this action cannot stop God to make us rich because God said test me and He loves a cheerful giver.
Who you tithe to is a demonstration of who is important in your life, just as the sales person or suppliers gives to their clients.
It's always good to give a tithe (10%) in response to who has given to you.
There He still receiving (Heb 7:8-10) When we give, we declare that Jesus is living
Joseph was rejected by his Israelite brothers but loved by the father
When Joseph feeding the Egyptians, the Israelite was staving
Joseph is alive, Jesus is alive
Israel means prince, when you believe, you become prince
I saw a lot of young. Maybe when I preach, you become young
Grace is greater than law
Abraham - Issac - Jacob - Levi
Levi was in the loin of Abraham when He tithe
Put your trust in redemption (eat your way to health), creation is fallen through simple act of eating
bought me out from the under the curse into all His blessings
Pronounce and declare that you are righteous

Ps Prince 13/9/2020

Isa 59:19-60:3
The enemy cover the well that Jacob dug, but God will uncover them
The truth, grace, spiritual gifts, prosperity, loves, health
If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law (Galatians 5:18)
For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse (Galatians 3:10) 
As you follow the spirit, the word in fulfill in you 
Our spirit is alive
Isa 41:15-16
Mount (problems, challengers) in your lives, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea
When you requesting, you can be resting

Ps Prince 30/8/2020

Jer 15:16
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts

The now word, the rhyma word

2 Cor 3:17
The ministry of death culved in letter of stone (10 commandment)

The purpose of the law
Not for man to justify by
Law demands everything and gives nothing
Grace gives everything and demands nothing
The Spirit gives life

Blesphymas towards God, wrong thoughts, wrong perception of God

Ps Prince 23/8/2020

Every name has to bow down to the name of Jesus
- Cancer, any health condition

Retrospect of the year if time and space
Take my yolk, the yolk of the law is heavy
the yolk of the grace of Jesus is easy and light

The people of Israel was captured by Babylon Nebucanesar because, so as to allow the land to rest
The land will rest and fulfill it's harvest

There is a different between Sebbeth rest and normal rest
Sabbeth rest is not rest from tireness, it is rest because job completed.

God never doubted His work, He said it is good
After created man, He said it is very good
But He also said He regreted creating man and wipe out mankind
Prophetic act like Holy communion is acted base on faith. Healing and prevention is the result of faith
1 Cor 11:23 as often until He come
Silver redemption, Gold righteousness, provision

You and I was once bound by the curse because anyone who didn't believe is under the curse of the law
Curse is a man under the tree

Born once die twice
Born twice die once

Burn, grain, fellowship, sin, traspass (guilt)
Those who touch dead will be defiled
The world we live in is like the wilderness, still being blessed while waiting to enter the promised land
The washing of the word
Ministry of death calved in letters on stone
Elisha - my God save
Ministry means you dispense, you confer
2 Cor 3:7-9
Righteousness is a gift
Sanctification, holiness can only be established by righteousness then come the holiness
We believe in progressive holiness
Progressive set apart?
All the law and prophet is until John
From Jesus on is grace and Spirit.
Your action is the outcome of the heart
if the root of the tree is right, the fruit is right
If the root grow deeper, your fruit will be better.
God don't judge you based on your action when you have faith in God
God only judge your action when you are not saved.
Murmuring, complaining is sin
Because the Lord hated us and brought us into the desert to die.
That's how the perception of God
Every fresh complaining brought fresh supply
Rom 3:20 By the law is the knowledge of sin. Rev 3:20 I stand at the door and knock
Open the door to Jesus, Grace, not the law.
1 Cor 15:56
You may experience it, but it has no dominion over you
You may have depression, but it has no dominion over you
The ministry of Ps Prince is to purge us from the learning, knowledge of the Law and the practice of the law and the curse of the law (partaking the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil)
The 10 commandment is the knowledge of good and evil.
Before the law is given there is already sin
The law is to tell you that you sin
Sin already existed.
But sin is no imputed when there is no law. But cannot charge a person from a sin if there is no basis of the law to charge a person.
There was sin, but there was no conciousness of sin, so dead has no dominion over them.
The moment there is knowledge of good and evil, you started to use that to judge yourself, and condemn yourself, death you have dominion over you.
dead to sin, means you have no conciousness of sin so that death will have no dominion over you.
Any action that stop the seed coming into your life is sin
Heb 10:1
Reminder of sin
Do this in remembrance of Me. Is it in remembrance of what He has done on the cross or in Remember of Who Jesus is to you and in you. By doing so, you are declaring Him in your life until He comes.

When you sin, partake of the holy communion, confessing and declaring His righteousness in you.

Only by grace that we can enter
What can wash away my sin, but the blood of Jesus

Ps Prince

Rom 3:19-20
The purpose of the law is to make people acknowledge their sin
When there is no law, there is no sin.
You have to know and acknowledge that you are righteous in order to walk in rigteousness. it is a process because we live in a sinful world

2 Cor 3:6-9
The Lord use the law to shut the mouth of man but man use the law to justify their righteousness
Once we have accepted 
Not behavior modification but heart transformation
Dying young is because of self condemnation or others, law is ministry of condemnation and death
Old testiment is ministry of condemnation.
Elijah, prophet of judgement
Elisha, prophet of grace, double portion

1 Kings 17:1
Joshua 5:17-18
Raven is unclean bird - Elijah has to receive food from unclean bird
Rom 11:2-5 plead against Israel, 
Mt Sinai (Horeb)
Lord, let me not just learn of your goodness, but experience your goodness.
Let everything i learnt become a testimony of You in my life
Peter stone
James surplant
John grace
Grace surplant the law
Rom 5:20

1 Kings 19:9-13
Elijah went to Mt Sinai, the same place Moses got the 10 commandment
Elijah justify himself and condemn others
The  Lord is not in the expression of judgement, wind, earthquake and fire. But a still gentle voice
Revelation 16;11 punishment cannot bring peoples heart to God, except a still small voice

Luke 9:52-56
1 Cor 14:3
Matt 11:13
The very last prophet of judgement or ministry of condemnation is John the baptist
Num 30:13-16, when a wife made a vow, the husband must negate it immediately
Old is the evidence and support to the NT
Gal 3:13
Jews form is stoning
Romans form is crucifixion, is to fulfill the fact that we no longer under curse to die under the tree.
You have to do all in order to rest, finished in order to have the sabbath rest
Bring a sinner out of the cave is the still small voice, the message of grace
2 Cor 3:7-9

9/8/2020 (National Day)
Ps Prince
1 Thess 4:17
Alive and remain
Eternal life doesn't start at the point your heart stop beating, it starts from the moment you born again
The wages of sin is death but God gift is eternal life

Why death takes over believers so easily?
The ministry of death is engrave on stone
Law defined as man working
Grace defined as God's working and providing
God work in you and through will, both to will and to do
Things that seen is temporal, things that unseen or cannot be seen is eternal
Even the tumor you see on x-ray is temporal
Seeing means believing. No. Believing is seeing. When you believe, it will see that it will come to pass
Shekhinah (dwelling, setting divine presence of God) glory of God in the temple in you.
Rom 10:3
Righteousness - Acquitted from all guit
You shall surely die, dying you shall die (you are already slowly dying until you finally die)
The first person who die is Abel (by murder)
The first person who die is Adam (by old age, natural death)
Rom 5:17
Animal live (have live, soul, but no spirit)
Bio live (human life)
Eternal live (Apex life)
2 Cor 3:5-7 (ESV)
Why man die when we clearly set free?
The letter (law) kills, but the spirit gives life
Condemnation kills, but the spirit gives life
The glory of the law is fading away.
Pentecost -  Greek name for Shavuot   
I am the resurrection and the life. Remove the stone (the 10 commandment) so that you can see the power of resurrection life from dead and stinging flesh.
Gal 3:8-10
Those of Faith are blessed
Justify the gentiles by faith
Faith is believe in Jesus Christ
When we are justified or acquitted, will be bless.
of the works of the law (not breaking the law), you are under curse
Believers can come under the curse of God when they are of the works of the law
You don't remove the law from unbelievers
You only remove the law from believers
Gal 1:6-9
Anyone outside the grace of the gospel of Christ is a different gospel (anything that is not the grace of the gospel of Christ, let him be of curse, double curse, let a double curse rest or falls on him)
Jer 17:5-8
There are people always find a problem in a solution
Rom 6:14
Sin (sickness, death) will have no dominion over you
You may outwardly under grace but inwardly under law.
Are you demand minded and immpatiant towards yourself and others
Instead of demanding from others, supply them the solution.
God, instead of demanding from me to be healthy, supply to me the solution to be spiritually healthy
Supply and grant to me the wisdom and disapline 
Stop demanding from your children and start supply your presence to them.
Stress, fear are good indicator of your wrong thinking as if you don't have grace, don't have a savior
God, I'm struggling with the teaching of grace over the reality of life
Grace said we have overcome death, but death is a reality in life.
Gospel of grace vs reality of life
My faith has make me lazy, then I started working, no result. 
Whether I rest on grace or rest on work, no result, no closing.
God's blessing is not consistent and not a formular

2/8/2020 - Ps Gabriel
Leman 3:21-24
He prepares the take in the presence of my enemy
God always provide the the midst and presence of all the crisis in the presence of my eyes
His provision is not just enough, but overflow
The Lord provides in the midst of covid, and overflowing provision
Joshau 2:9-15
Why is a prostitute so wise?
The spices saw giant, unbelief, we are grasshopper.  
But the prostitute said otherwise. actually, the enemies afraid of the Israelites.
Roman 5:5 Hope does not disappoint
Roman 15:13 

5/7/2020. Ps Prince
Forgiveness of sin is the mother of all blessings
Jesus comes to give you everlasting righteousness on earth (everlasting life on earth)
Whenever we call, we fall in the ark, not outside the ark
Blood of bulls and goats cannot remove sin, it can cover up sin until Jesus comes
Christ after having purge our sin, set down at the right hand of God
Sit down mean rest after completed the work
Standing means the work is on going and never finished
Jesus died and having all our sin forgiven in order to be raised from death.
If we are not cloth with righteousness after His death, He cannot be raised to be seated at the right hand.

We are light of the world. Cannot be hidden. Means seek every opportunity to be a light to people around you. Do good and preach the word to encourage them.

Our good work not because we try to show off to glorify God. But it is natural because of the righteousness of God in us.
It is the lack of blessed assurance that produce a wrong living lifestyle
A secure environment will help you to have shalom peace that will produce efficiency, fruitfulness and high performance
When there is a safety net can people perform with peace and in peace

Heb 6:4-6
Are opponent of eternal security
Who is it written to?
ABC The kindergarden, visual aid,
Written to people who profess not prossess
Let us go on to perfection
Law was necessary for a moment, they were infants

Is it for believers who lost the salvation
Once enlightened (doesn't means you are save)
Tasted (not taken in with conviction)
Partaker of the HS, metochos (partakers, joint partners)
Judas never saved. None was born again before Jesus death
Judas died for himself before Jesus died for him
The effect of righteousness is peace, quietness and assurance forever
The HS was with them, not in them
Paradise is not heaven, it is temporary holding place
You will be with me in Paradise, Jesus was there before the resurrection
Judas was never saved
They taste, but never drink, never eat. after tasted, they reject

In Chap 6, 2 impossible
Impossible to renew
Impossible for God to lie

Beloved, only used for believers
The purpose of swearing, is to give people a double assurance for what you  have promised to do
Empowered to succeed, empowered to be a blessings to other, empowered to pray for people
We are a seed of Abraham because we are in Christ
We are co-heir because we are in Christ.
Expect preferential treatment from heaven

28/06/2020 Ps Prince
God's people always prosper during crisis and famine
You put your trust in the flesh when you
God doesn't identify you in the fresh, but in the spirit
You have to judge your behavior by your standing, by who you are
This is not me, like what Paul said
Just because it rises up, that doesn't means you feel condemned
Rom 8:9
Take your son, your only son (Isaac). In God's eyes, what is born of His will, His Spirit
Ismael is born after the fresh, but Isaac is of the Spirit
God talked to you as if you have no sin
We are post cross, post resurrection
Rom 4:6-8
God will not impute sin to you.
God didn't gone soft, God impute (reckon, set to His account)
God impute righteousness with our work
Will these produce, licencious,
How God sees and use Samson at all his fresh,
The Nazarite vow is Jesus, Jesus is the vow. God sees the vow, not the action
When we have Jesus, we have God
God sees you died to self and a new creation
Forgiven much will love much
2 Peter 1:5-6, 9 (Young YLT)
blind, deem sighted
forgetful or his righteousness in Christ
We make repentance into work of self-righteousness
Repentance based on work is freshly repentance
Righteousness is not what you see yourself, it's what God declared you
ACts 15:7-9
John's baptism is baptism of repentance of water
Jesus's baptism is baptism of Holy Spirit
2 Thess 2:13 Sanctify by believing in the truth
Repentance is faith in Jesus
Repentance is not exercising self-control. This is only behaviour modification,
Declaration that we are the righteousness of God in Christ is
Grow in grace (solid food), not grow in law or the milk of Christ
Mt Sinai, 3000 died on Pantacost, feast of the Jew
Mt Zion, 3000 saved on Pantacost, feast of the Jew
Jer 31:
Heb 10:15-17
New covenant (law, guidance from within, only 1 commandment, love your neighbor as yourself)
all shall know Me (we experience Him personally)
merciful to their unrighteousness
Sins remember no more
OC: Will visit (mindful) their sin to the 3rd and 4th generation
Consequence, Samson continue to live in his fresh, but God's righteousness still on him.
God will guide you from within
Not know Him by knowledge, but know Him by experience
Gen 50:15-21
Joseph is a type of Christ, you meant evil on me, but God meant it for good so that we are where we are.
Man sold his soul with a bite on the fruit
Joseph forgiven his brothers, but the brothers didn't know or believe
Jesus 2nd coming, Israel will recognise Him
7 times Joseph wept (sorrowful, grief), didn't believe Joseph forgiven the brothers
Ps 103:1-3, don't be forgetful that all your sins are forgiven

21/06/2020 Ps Prince
Luke 7:36-50
Simon - Pharisee
Whoever forgive much, love much
How you display yourself is how much you love the Lord
We did not judge rightly, if we judge rightly, we will love God much

Who is He that goes around forgiving sin
Your faith has saved you

Sinful woman (prostitute)
Freely, Kindly, Frankly, graciously forgiven (charizomai)

You have rightly Judge (krino)
What is judging rightly? Whoever forgiven much, love much
Wash your feet and put perfume or olive oil on your feet
She excel in serving and loving the Lord

God gave the law because He know that man could not, only His Son could
God gave the law to prepare us to accept Jesus as the sacrificial lamb
Animal sacrifice is temporal mending of relationship with God, but to sin fully forgiven, need Jesus' to be the lamb. Need to accept Jesus in order to restore everything bad to Eden time.
She came because she knew she was forgiven, not that she came to be forgiven
When Jesus said, "All your sins have been forgiven", it is giving her the assurance and affirmation, not that she was forgiven at that point
Col 2:13
Not make bad people good
But make dead people live
All means past, present and future
God was satisfied, Jesus was glorified

In the past, the woman save up to buy perfume for the guy there want to marry or the man she love
God see the blood, God doesn't see your good work
When God see the blood, God has to pass over you because He know there is a sacrifice already

Do we need to observe Sabbath in order to
What is elementary teaching, what is solid food
Elementary teaching is not renouncing the law, it is the early learning about Christ
Can we loose our salvation?
Yes, but it is very, very difficult to loose it.
Only under 2 conditions (Betray Christ together with self-righteousness (you die for yourself, suicide))
Either one, you cannot loose your salvation.
Judas betray Jesus, even though he repented, but he use self-righteousness rather than Jesus' righteousness
Peter denied Jesus 3 times, Jesus came to him to restore him and die for him
Unpardonable sin

14/06/2020 Ps Lawrence

Luke1:11-16  Zachariah and Elizabeth
They are well advanced in age and Elizabeth is barren, but God gave them a child, John the Baptist
Isa 46:4

Moses was 80 when God called him to deliver Israel
Caleb was 85 when he told Joshua give me this mountain
Acts 2:17  God pour out His Spirit to all (young and old) Old dream dreams, young see vision
1 Sam 30

07/06/2020 Ps Prince
Praying in tongue

Acts 2:1-4
Pentecost fully come

1st Pentecost vs 2nd Pentecost
3000 died vs 3000 saved
Sinai vs Zion
Not about sinfulness of man but the excellent love of God (do not be distracted by the sinfulness, focus of the love of God
law kills the spirit save
But loved us when we are at our worse (yet sinner)
Law cannot sanctify (show your imperfection), how we are perverted and gone astray
It pleased the Father to bruise Jesus (Isaiah 53)
Call His Son, His arm
Crash my arm to allow my daughter to sleep peacefully in my arm
Tongue is a weapon from God (praying in tongue is so important)
What you know can make you to be afraid
Praying in tongue is praying into the future without knowing what will be happening

Free from addiction and physical infirmity
He who pray in unknown tongue, speak not unto man, but unto God
1 Cor 14:4,21
edify - to construct build oicos domio, to build a house, building, constructing, repairing
Your body (soma) is the temple of the Holy Spirit, the holy of holies for the HS
When you pray in tongue, in pray in the spirit
When you pray in englilsh, in pray with your mind
it edify yourself (your body - bring building, repairing, construction to your body)
Isa 28:12
weary (wear you out)

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