Saturday, 30 May 2020

30/05/2020 Ps Prince (from home)

Why christian sick?

For this reason many are weak, sick, fall asleep
Take it, this is my body, broken for you
This cup is a new covenant
What is the new covenant? Your sins and lawless deeds, I remember no more so that we can declare we are the righteousness of God in Christ.
Do not judge our position based on our action (behaviour), do not nail Jesus to the cross again by our misunderstanding of our position in God because of Christ
Proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.

Our God is a God who loves His people to hear and ask from Him, to call upon Him.

Pleading prayer: please help me, pray for victory over situation (very desperate)

Victory prayer: Claim all His promises and declare yes and amen. Pray from victory, not pray for victory (very victorious)

Law was given in the morning, 9am, likewise, on the day of pentacost, happened in the morning 9am

Mt Sainai             Mt Zion
Law                     Grace
The letter kills,    the Spirit gives life
3000 died             3000 lives
Demand               Supply
Curses                  Blessings
Slave to                Set free
Wrath                   Mercy
Temple                 Church (house of God, bride of Christ

Heb 12:22-23
We are the church of the 1st born (Jesus), double portion

Walk in 1st born blessing
Pentacost, baptism of HS, start speaking the heavenly language
Church is not a building, it's the gathering of God's people

Inheritance: there is a will, only the sons can claim it.

Avi, Avi, My Father

Gen 25:28-34
Gen 27:28-29 (the 1st born blessings)
Gen 27:39 (the 2nd blessings, left over blessing)

Arab is from Ishmeal and Esua

Esua despite his birth right and sold it

Bread and wine (can be addictive)
It's is not, do not drink wine, it is do not be get drunk with wine
With bread (for healing of body) and wine (for healing of  everlasting life), will sustain him (sustain his body and life)
You can have life with a sick body, you can have a healthy without life
Rev 1:5-6, we are kings and priest to God's eyes (in God, a place of influence)
As a king, you have authority, when you  have authority, what you need to do is just speak and it will be done for.

Prosper and be in health just as you are prosper
Mountain speaks of obstacles, be remove and be cast into the sea
Stop the spirit that motivating the man
You foul spirit (ill discipline, tireness,,), I command you to release him and let him go

Jesus is prophet, priest, and kings

The following are the 1st born right (inheritance)
Priest represent people to God, minister to God (we are royal preisthood)
breast meet, speaks of love
Prophet, to speak of what is to come
King, Authority
Let my spoken words like the ordinance of God, ministering, touch lives
to say somthing: prophesy, tounge, interpretation of tounge
to know something: revelation gifts, for the future, word of wisdom, word of knowledge (present word), discerning of spirit (
to do something: the power group (power gifts), kingly flow, faith, healings, working of miracles
covet earnessly the better gift

discern (sense) between good and evil, good from evil
the knowledge of good and evil (mixed good and evil together, you do not know what is good and what is evil, you are confused with good from evil,

You know what is good and evil, but you do not know how to differentiate them

Example: what is true freedom. True freedom is not do what you like to do, it's to do what you don't like to do. You  do not know how to draw the line and where to draw the line.

Discerning is to know how to draw the line and where to draw the line.

Confused between good and evil (with the knowledge of good and evil, 1 leg law, 1 leg grace)
Discern good from evil

Discernment vs Discrimination

What is the difference between knowing and discerning? (the knowledge of good and evil)

Knowing between 2 things can be confusing. You can favor one over the other.
Discerning between 2 things is crystal clear, you know how to draw the line and where to draw the line. You have concluded one over the other

Knowledge: Money is the root of all evil
Discernment: The love of money is the root of all evil

Knowledge: Freedom is doing what I like to do
Discernment: True freedom is the ability of doing what you don't like to do (such as addiction)

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