Thursday 29 November 2018

Epee fencing techniques

Fencing Piste
- Center line, On Guard line (En Garde), Warning line, Limit line
Fencing Rules
-    French           English
     En Grade       On Guard
     Pret                Ready
     Allez              Play
- Individual
   - 3 x 3 minutes Period (15 (before 9 min) or highest points (after 9 minutes) win)
- Team
   - 9 x 3 minutes (Highest score win)

3 Discipline
- Foil
  - Attack with tip, right of way
- Epee
  - Attack with tip, no right of way, target area whole body
- Sabre
  - Attack with tip and 1/3 of blade, right of way, target area from waist upward

- Cannot run off the piste
- Turn your bad upon your opponent
- Use the non blade hand
- Non Combativity
  - Referee will end the period and new period begin
- Yellow card is warning, Red card is opponent is awarded a point, Black card, disqualified from contest

Because Epee no right of way or attacker advantage, the most important thing about Epee Fencing is to catch your opponent blade with your weapon guard

When you are leading, go for double hit (each one 1 point)

1. En Garde at parry 6th position
2. Advance and Retreat
    - Forward and Backward movement
3. Lunge to attack

Epee Attack Technique

Stop Hit

Retreat Stop Hit

Beat Attack

Keep distance move forward attack

Turning Parry into attack

Epee Defense or Parry Riposte

8 Parry Position Number
Parry 1: Low Left Point to Ground
Parry 2: Low Right Point to Ground
Parry 3: High Right Point to Sky
Parry 4: High Left Point to Sky or Point Normal
Parry 5:
Parry 6: Upper Right Point Normal
Parry 7: Lower Left Point Normal
Parry 8: Lower Right Point Normal

Parry position 4, 6, 7, 8.  4 (upper left), 6 (upper right), 7 (lower left), 8 (lower right)

8 Parry Position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Pronated means palm faced down
Supinated means palm faced up
Outside is Right-side
Inside is Left-side
                                     Parry to Left-side       Parry to Right-side
                                                  (Outside)                      (Inside)

                                       Parry 3 Position          Parry 4 Postion
                                       High Pronated             High Pronated

                                       Parry 2 Position          Parry 1 Position
                                       Low, Pronated             Low, Pronated

                                       Parry 6 Position          Parry 5 Postion
                                       High Supinated           High Supinated

                                       Parry 8 Position          Parry 7 Position
                                       Low, Supinated           Low, Supinated

Most basic simple parry stop hit or parry riposte

Normal Left Parry and Circular of 6th parry (do a clockwise circular movement at the parry 6 position)

Epee Parry (Take the blade, clockwise circular parry) and attack (Riposte, retort or reattack)

Parry no.4 and flick riposte hit on opponent back shoulder

Clockwise Circular Parry (Circular 6: looks like drawing a 6), backward retreat and stop hit

Advance Move



















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