Sunday 29 October 2017

Facebook Business Set up Page

How to create a Facebook Business Page and invites many likes?

How to go to you Facebook Business Page via computers and upload photos?
Login to your Facebook - On the right side, you can see Your Page, Click on it

Login to you Facebook - On top right dropdown arrow - Manage Page - Click Pages (Left hand side) - Click photos or click profile photo to go into the page - Click photos/videos

How to see all the photos from computer?
Repeat the above - LHS under Services, Click More - Click Photos

How to go to you Facebook Business Page via mobile phone?
Login to your Facebook - Click the 3 lines on top right - Property Smart Investors - Photos - Select photos from library - Done - Write Something - wait for full uploading of photo - Post - Click back arrow on the blue highlighted line (to post the next photo)

Login to Facebook -

- To set up Facebook Business Page, first must set up a personal page

How To Set Up A Facebook Business Page?

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Types of FB apps available?
Sending FB messages for free
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How much FB charges for FB Ads?

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