Monday 4 September 2017

Create Social Content Locker Page or Landing Page

Landing Page
Content Locker Page
Social Button
Shareit Button
Add widget
Add Plugin

Blogger Dashboard > Select Blog you wish to add Social Content Locker > Theme > Edit HTML

Login to Blogger account
Go to Blogger Dashboad
Select the blog that you wish to add the Social Content Locker
Click on Template (Old) or Theme (New) (Blogger changed the Template to Theme)
Click on Edit HTML
Press Control-F (to search or Find) to search for </head>
At the search bar, key in </head> then hit Enter button on keyboard

Open another Tap
Go to

This is another one

<script src=’‘ type=’text/javascript’/>

Paste it above the <head> in your Edit HTML

How to creat Social Locker for content in Blogger

1 comment:

  1. I would like more information about this, because it is very nice...Thanks for sharing. Thanks a lot.
    Landing page to grow business
