Thursday 11 May 2017

Occupancy Cap For Private Residential Properties - 11/05/2017

What is the maximum number of tenants allowable to rent one private residential properties in Singapore?

Unrelated - 6, including employees of the same company.
Family - Can be more than 6. Domestic workers and Care givers hired by family treated as family

URA Letter - Occupancy Cap For Private Residential Properties - 11/05/2017

11 May 2017

Dear KEOs


With effect from 15 May 2017, private residential properties can only be rented out to no more than six unrelated persons. However, existing tenancies that accommodate seven or eight persons will be allowed to run their course until the cut-off date of 15 May 2019. After this two-year transition period, the occupancy cap of six unrelated persons will apply regardless of any existing tenancy agreements. This change was approved in Parliament in Feb 2017 as part of the Planning (Amendment) Bill 2017.

Real estate agents and salespersons should inform their clients of the occupancy cap before they commit to any rental transaction. Landlords of private residential properties should comply with URA’s regulations on the use of private residential properties or else they may be subjected to investigations and enforcement action by URA. We seek your assistance to convey this information to your real estate salespersons and all relevant persons within your organisation.

If you have any questions, you can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions appended to this letter. Alternatively, you can email or visit URA’s website at

Yours sincerely


Frequently Asked Questions

1. We are a family of four who intend to rent out part of our home. What is the maximum number of additional persons that we can accommodate?

The occupancy cap of six applies to all persons residing within your home. Therefore, you may accommodate up to two additional persons.
The only exception in which the occupancy cap does not apply is when a private residential property is entirely occupied by the same family unit.

2. Who does URA consider as unrelated persons?

Any persons who are not part of the same family unit are considered as unrelated. However, domestic workers and caregivers hired by a family will be treated as part of the same family unit.

3. Are employees of the same company considered related occupants, and therefore exempted from the occupancy cap?

No, employees of the same company are not considered related occupants and will therefore be subjected to the occupancy cap.

4. What if I have already signed a tenancy for seven or eight persons before 15 May 2017?

If you have already signed a tenancy for seven or eight persons before 15 May 2017, it may run its course until the cut-off date of 15 May 2019. This will apply to all tenancies regardless of their contracted end-date

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