Tuesday 25 April 2017

Awesome In This Place – Dave Billington. C Chord. (Lyrics and Chords)

Lyrics and Chords for Awesome In This Place - Dave Billington

Awesome In This Place – Dave Billington
Time Signature: 4/4       Tempo: 100 bpm   
Sequence: V-C-C-Free worship-V-C-C-Free worship

 -    | C        -       -     -       | C           -  -  -  | F       -            -     -        | F -  -  -  
As I come in-to    Your pre - sence,             past the gates   of   praise
   | C     -            -  -     | C     -  -   -          | F         -           -  -       | F -  -  -
In-to Your sanc - tu - a - ry,       till we're stand-ing face    to face
 | G          -    -     -          | G         -     -  
I look u-pon    Your coun - te-nance
    -       | Dm    -        G        -        | C  -  -   
I see the full-ness of   Your   grace
        -      | Dm    -     -        -    | F  -   -     -  | G    -  -  -  | G  -   
And I can on  -  ly bow down         and say

   -     -  | C        -         -       -         | C -     -    -    | Dm         -  -  -  | Dm  -  -  
You are  awe-some in   this   place,      migh - ty        God
   -        | F         -        -         -          | G  -   -      -     | C        -  F  -   | G  -  -  
You are awe-some in    this    place,         Ab - ba Fa - ther
   -       | C       -        -      -         | Em  -  -  -   | F       -            -       -        | Dm  -  -  
You are wor-thy of    all   praise,                to You our lives    we   raise
   -        | F         -        -         -          | G  -     -    -        | C -  -  -  | C  -  -       
You are awe-some in    this    place,        migh-ty God

[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]   

Awesome In This Place – Dave Billington
Time Signature: 4/4       Tempo: 100 bpm   
Sequence: V-C-C-Free worship-V-C-C-Free worship

        C                                       F
As I come into Your presence, past the gates of praise
     C                                             F
In-to Your sanctuary, ‘til we're standing face to face
I look upon Your countenance
               Dm       G           C
I see the fullness of Your grace
                 Dm          F              G
And I can only bow down and say

              C                                             Dm
You are awesome in this place, mighty     God
              F                        G                  C        F     G
You are awesome in this place, Abba Fa-ther
              C                   Em          F                          Dm
You are worthy of all praise, to You our lives we raise
              F                         G                     C
You are awesome in this place, mighty  God 

[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]

Lyrics for Awesome In This Place - Dave Billington

Awesome In This Place – Dave Billington
Time Signature: 4/4       Tempo: 100 bpm   
Sequence: V-C-C-Free worship-V-C-C-Free worship

As I come into Your presence, past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary, ‘til we're standing face to face
I look upon Your countenance
I see the fullness of Your grace
And I can only bow down and say

You are awesome in this place, mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise, to You our lives we raise
You are awesome in this place, mighty  God

[Repeat Verse - Chorus - Chorus]

Back to Praise And Worship Songs Content Page For More Other Songs With Chords


Because of Your Love – Phil Wickham. G Chord
Sovereign Over Us – Aaron Keyes. G Chord

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