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Daniel Choy ST Forum Page MediShield should not have age bar 18 Sep 2009

Daniel Choy ST Forum Page MediShield should not have age bar 18 Sep 2009

This Forum Feedback was approved by government and taken effect on 1 Mar 2013 to raise the MediShield age from 85 to 90 year old

1 March 2013

This enhancement taken effect from 1 March 2013

Public Consultation on MediShield

ST Forum page 18-09-2009

Home > ST Forum > Story
MediShield should not have age bar

I REFER to the reply by the Ministry of Health, 'Multiple tiers of protection for all' (Sept 2).

My MediShield-protected parents are both 83 years old. In two years, they will be out of MediShield coverage and will not be able to avail themselves of its hospital and surgery plans.

They have been paying MediShield premiums for years and have not made a single claim. I believe they will live beyond 85.

I am happy that the ministry's reply stated that the age limit for coverage has been been raised progressively. But as the life expectancy of Singaporeans exceeds MediShield's latest age limit increase to 85 three years ago, it would be even more gratifying if the ministry took steps immediately to raise it to 90 and beyond.

Many plans by private insurers already cover until death, and it would be great if MediShield could consider doing likewise.

I had planned to switch my parents from MediShield to a private insurer because of the 85-year age bar, but that is not possible because the last entry age for private insurance is 75.

So, if the Government does not act, Singaporeans like my parents will not have any hospital and surgery plan covering them at an age when coverage is crucial.

The ministry's reply suggested that Singaporeans are protected in a multi-tiered system, but that is complicated, inconvenient and inferior to having specific coverage for oneself.
Daniel Choy

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