Wednesday 19 January 2022

Integrated Shield Plan, IncomeShield, MediShield Life, Premium Table and Policy Coverage

The Following Tables are as at 01/01/2022

1 Premium Table_Enhanced IncomeShield Main

2 Premium Table_Enhanced IncomeShield Deluxe

3 Premium Table_Enhanced IncomeShield Classic

4 Deluxe Care Rider policy conditions v202104

5 Classic Care Rider policy conditions v202104

MediShield Life Premium Table and Subsidy

For Example

Policy Renewal Date 1 Feb 2021
For Someone who's age band is 56 to 60 cover under Preferred Plan with Plus Rider
Premium is $5180 (This is due to Plus Rider that covers from the firswt dollar)
$3950 will be in Cash
$12330 will be via CPF MediSave
If you are on GIRO, Income will deduct $3950 from your bank on 19 Jan

Policy Renewal Date 1 Feb 2022
Insurers compulsorily downgrade the rider to 5% or $3000 max as a form of co-payment even if the insurered choose non panel doctors

Premium is $3911
Medishield Health Life $681 (after govt one off covid subsidy, wothout subsidy is $800)
Integrated main plan $1153
Rider $2077 (co-payment 5% up to max $3000, regardness of panel or non panel doctors)

No Rider
Deductible is $1500-$3500
Co-insurance 10%

Classic Care Rider premim $735
Co-payment 10% or Max $3000 (only applied for panel doctors)
Co-payment 10% (no max) plus $2000 (for non panel doctors)

All govt hospital are panel doctors

Monday 3 January 2022

HDB Flat and Room Rental Application, Adding and Removing of Tenant, Editing of Tenant Information

1. Procedure of Application of Renting out the whole HDB Flat

HDB website - Login - My HDBPage - Login with SingPass - My Flat - Purchased Flat - Renting Out - Renting out of whole flat - Application to Rent Our Flat - Submit Application - Continue - Part 1 - Continue - Part 2 - Continue - Part 3 - Continue - Part 4 - Continue - Part 5 - Submit - Are you sure you want to submit this application - Yes - Part 6 - Continue - Payment of Admin Fee - Continue - Part 1 - Continue - Part 2 - Continue - Fill in Visa / Master Details - Submit - Part 3 - Print/Save as PDF - Exit

  1. Renting out of flat to one or more non-Malaysian Non-Citizen [NC] (i.e. SPRs and foreigners) tenants will be subject to the NC quota. When the NC quota has reached the neighbourhood and/or block limits, flat owners cannot rent out their flat to non-Malaysian NCs. They can only rent out their flat to Singaporean or Malaysians.
  2. Before you submit your application, please ensure that:
    1. you have the particulars of all your tenants
    2. you have the following particulars of your salesperson if your tenants are secured through a salesperson
      1. Name, CEA registration number and contact number of the salesperson
      2. Name of the Estate Agency for which the salesperson works
    3. your commencement date of rental must not be later than the end of the following month from the date of application
  3. If you are overseas during the period of rental, you are also required to attach to the application a copy of the Power of Attorney, prepared in accordance with HDB's standard format which has been executed and lodged with the High Court (click here to view a sample POA).
  4. If you pay the administrative charge ($20/-) online using credit card (for Visa and Mastercard only), your application will be approved instantly. Alternatively, you may make payment at an AXS station.
  5. This form may take you about 15 minutes to complete.
  • 1
  • Reason for Renting Out Flat

  • Section A : Terms and Conditions
        I/We have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by the same.

    Section B : Applicant Particulars
    HDB Ref No.:

    Section C : Reason for Renting Out the Flat
    *  Please select your reason for renting out the flat:
    Staying in quarters provided by employer
    Staying in living quarters of commercial premises
    Staying with aged parents to take care of them
    Staying with children/relatives due to illness
    Staying with parents who take care of my children
    Staying at own private property
    Working overseas
    Studying overseas
    Need additional income for retirement
    Need additional income for other financial needs
    Rental income is attractive

    • 2
    • Renting Out Details

    Section D : Information on Rental
        Type of Flat: 5 Room

    *  Rental per Month: S$2500.00
        Please indicate if:
    furniture (e.g. bed, wardrobe) is provided
    the bedrooms are air-conditioned
    WIFI/internet connection is provided in the flat

    *  Proposed Effective Date of Rental: 03 Jan 2022
    *  Rental Period: 36 months
    * The maximum rental period per application involving non-Malaysian non-citizen tenants is 24 months.
    *  During the period of rental, I will be staying
    In Singapore
    *  Please specify: With my siblings
    *  The type of housing that I will be moving to is
    an HDB Flat
    a Private Property

    • 3
    • Contact Details

    Section E : Contact Details
    *  Person to Contact: Flat Owner
    *  Name: 
        NRIC No.:
    *  Please provide us with at least one contact number.
    Telephone No. (Home)
    Telephone No. (Office)
    Mobile No.
    *  Email Address
    *  Type of Address: HDB Flat
    *  Postal Code
    *  Block/House/Bldg No.
    *  Unit No.
    *  Street Name

    • 4
    • Proposed Tenants' Particulars

    Renting Out Arrangements
    *  How were the tenant(s) found?
        - Through a housing agent
        - By placing an advertisement online or in the newspapers
        - Through recommendations by relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.

    Section F : Details of Tenants
    HDB reserves the rights to reject the application or if approval has been granted, to revoke the approval or delete the name(s) of tenant(s) if it is subsequently discovered that any information provided in the application (e.g. the particulars of your tenant) is inaccurate or untrue, or if the tenants are ineligible.

    *  Type of Tenants:      Individual
    *  No. of Domestic Helper(s) hired by the tenant(s):    0

    *  List of Tenants  more info icon
    Note:  Flat owners are not required to provide the particulars of their tenant's domestic helper(s).

    # NRIC/FIN Name Citizenship Nationality Relationship to Main Tenant

    Add Tenant

    Section G : Declaration / Undertaking by Flat Owner(s) / Attorney / Administrator / Executor / Public Trustee / Deputy Appointed by the Court / Donee Appointed by Lasting Power of Attorney

        I/We have read the Terms and Conditions for the renting out and
    * accept and undertake to comply with the said terms and conditions;
    * declare that the information given in this form is true and correct and I/We have not withheld or suppressed any information which may affect the application;
    * declare that there is no infringement of the terms of the lease or the Housing & Development Act at any time prior to the submission of the application;
    * accept that any approval granted by HDB to the renting out shall not in any circumstances be treated as a waiver of any infringement of the terms of the Lease. In the event of any such infringement, any approval granted by HDB is deemed to be revoked;
    * confirm that I/we have personally verified from the original immigration documents that the tenants have lawfully entered Singapore and are lawfully allowed to stay in Singapore;
    * undertake to ensure that my/our tenants meet all the eligibility conditions to rent out an HDB flat;
    * obtained consent from all the flat owners to rent out the flat and agree to indemnify HDB against any claims whatsoever from any party who have an interest in the flat rent out;
    * agree to produce any original supporting documents to HDB for verification, if required by HDB;
    * declare that the Power of Attorney (POA), prepared in HDB's prescribed form has been properly executed and lodged in the High Court. In the event that the POA does not meet HDB's requirement, I/we accept that the renting out approval granted by HDB is deemed to be revoked;
    * accept that HDB reserves the rights at all times to revoke the renting out approval or delete the name(s) of tenant(s), if the approval is granted as a result of the false information provided, or if the tenants are ineligible.
    * confirm that I/we am/are aware that legal action may be taken against me/us if I/We had knowingly provided false information relating to this application. I/We am/are aware that in addition to other remedies, the Housing and Development Act provides that any person who make a false statement in this application is liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to an imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or both.

    • 5
    • Confirmation of Renting Out

    The application is processed based on the information provided. If it is subsequently discovered that any information is inaccurate or untrue, or the tenants are ineligible or the flat owner(s) has/have committed any infringement of the lease or the Housing and Development Act, HDB reserves the right to reject the application or if approval has been granted, to revoke the approval or delete the name(s) of any tenant(s) without being liable to the flat owner(s) for any loss or expenses suffered or incurred.

    A. Terms and Conditions
    I/We have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by the same.

    B. Applicant Particulars
    NRIC No.

    C. Reason for Renting Out the Flat
    Need additional income for other financial needs

    D. Rental Details
    Flat Type: 5 Room
    Rental per Month: S$ 2,500.00
    Rental inclusive of:
    furniture (e.g. bed, wardrobe) is provided, the bedrooms are air-conditioned, WIFI/internet connection is provided in the flat
    Proposed Effective Date: 03 Jan 2022
    Expected Expiry Date: 02 Jan 2025
    Rental Period: 36 months
    During the period of rental, I will be staying: With my siblings
    The type of housing I will be moving to is: an HDB Flat

    E. Contact Details
    Person to Contact: Flat Owner
    NRIC No.
    Telephone (Home):  -
    Telephone (Office):: -
    Mobile No.: 9xxxxxxx
    Email Address:

    F. Details of Tenants
    How the tenant(s) were found:  By placing an advertisement online or in the newspapers
    Type of Tenants:  Individual
    No. of Domestic Helper(s) hired by the tenant(s):  0

    List of Proposed Tenants
    Tenant 1
    Name of Tenant
    Date of Birth
    Citizenship:  Others
    Pass Type:  Work Permit
    Sector:  Manufacturing
    Relationship to Main Tenant:  Main Tenant

    Please ensure that you have provided the particulars of all the tenant(s) who would be residing in the flat during the rental period and all information entered is correct before submitting your application.

    Are you sure you want to submit this application:  YES / NO

    • 6
    • Payment of Admin Charge

    We have received your application.
    The administrative charge for the application is $20 (inclusive of GST).

    Would you like to pay online?      Yes     No
    Mode of Payment:                        Visa or Mastercard

    You will be redirected to eNets website for making payment of the administrative charge. The approval letter will be displayed upon successful payment

    Payment of Admin Fee
    Pay the administrative fee for your application to rent out the flat or bedroom(s).

    1. Upon receipt of HDB's in-principle approval to your application, you are required to pay an administrative fee in order to get the approval for renting out your flat or bedroom(s). You can pay the administration fee online using Visa or Mastercard.
    2. This e-service may take you about 5 minutes to complete.

    • 1
    • Application Pending Payment

    Application Details
    NRIC No.
    HDB Ref No.
    Case Ref No.
    Effective Date of Rental:  03 Jan 2022
    Expiry Date of Rental:  02 Jan 2025

    • 2
    • Payment Mode

    The administrative charge for the application is $20 (inclusive of GST).

    Please note that your payment is successful only when you see an acknowledgement page.

    Mode of Payment:   Visa or Mastercard

    You will be redirected to eNets website for making payment of the administrative charge. The approval letter will be displayed upon successful payment.

    • 3
    • Acknowledgement Letter

    Name ______________________
    Address _____________________

    03 Jan 20xx

    Our Ref: _______________
    Application to rent out flat at
    Address ____________________________________

    Dear Flat owner(s)

    I am pleased to inform you that your application has been approved. You can rent out your flat from 03/01/2022 to 02/01/2025.

    If there are any changes in the tenants during the approved period, please apply to change the tenants at 'My HDBPage'. Any changes in your tenants will be subject to the Non-Citizen Quota for Renting Out of Flat. I have attached the Terms and Conditions for you.

    When the approved period of rental ends, you must move back to your flat. If you would like to continue renting out your flat, you will need to make a new online application. We will assess your application according to the policies at the time you apply.

    If you have any questions, please contact us via the e-feedback form at
    During the period of rental, please conduct regular checks on your flat to ensure that:
    • The number of tenants does not exceed the maximum number allowed.
    • Only the authorised tenants are staying in the flat.
    • The tenants do not further rent out the flat to others, create nuisance or misuse the flat.

    Payment Details:
    Amount (S$):20.00
    Date of Payment:03/01/2022
    Time of Payment:09:33:30 PM
    Hash No.:__________
    Transaction Ref:________

    Yours sincerely

    Tan Jiao Jun
    Executive Estate Manager
    West Zone
    Housing Management Group

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